We arrived in Gillette, WY on Sunday the 16th for the FMCA Convention. For those of you who don't know, this is the Family Motor Coach Association an organization that supports the motorhome lifestyle. Chuck is the governing board representative for our RV club, Coach House Owners' Club (CHOC). He has to do the hard part sitting in meetings all day, and Phyllis gets to do the fun part of attending seminars and visiting exhibits. Actually Chuck does have time to participate in the activities. We also like to volunteer while at the convention. This year we were on the tram team and helped members by riding the trams and answering questions. There were over 2,600 motorhomes at the convention.
A glimpse of the "sea" of motorhomes
This picture was taken during the Buckinghams' concert. We enjoyed seeing the 60's band again and hearing the music that was a part of our early life. The Buckinghams performed at our high school in Ottawa, IL before they hit it big. We also were able to enjoy the music of Marty Stuart, country music artist. Looking at the sky in this picture, you can guess we had some pretty awesome storms. The worst came under a tornado watch with high winds that tore through vendor canopies sending them flying. We just made it into the exhibit hall when the hail started. Lot of rain, lot of mud, lot of friends, and lot of fun
Hail left hours after the storm |
Speaking of friends, we met up with John and Vicky Ferrari, Phil and Karon Millonzi, and Tom and Judith Comstock. These are friends from CHOC, and we were happy to see them. Had a lot of fun visiting and catching up with them. Found out that Phil and Karon are going to be the tailgunners on our caravan. What a great surprise. Guess I didn't get a picture of everyone.
We left Gillette on June 23rd, our son Eric's birthday. Happy Birthday son. Our "baby" isn't supposed to be getting this old. Where have the years gone.
Heading for Cody, WY to meet up with our friends, Terry and Carole Berry, we saw our first glimpse of the Big Horn Mountains. Of course we went over these mountains. Chuck and the coach did a great job getting us over the mountains without any difficulty.
First look at the Big Horn Mountains |
I love how a Winnebago owner is a the governing board representative for a Coach House Owner's Club - you just know that Coach House has to be grinding their teeth over that one.